Malaysia Boleh
Today, I went to Stadium JB to watch this Asian Badminton Championship..The ticket costs me RM15...student price 50% ler..
The third match was the men singles final between Malaysia's Lee Chong Wei and Thailand's Boonsak ponsanak or what...
Obviously Lee Chong Wei is the better player here. He dominated the match. He has the pace and powerful and correct angle smash. Boonsak is good but not better....haha
But this is the very first time that I watched Malaysian plays in an international badminton match. LIVE!..The crowd was shouting 'Malaysian Boleh' all the the support to Lee....I was one of them also...
This is really the first time I feel the power of the phrase 'Malaysia Boleh'..well...maybe I should watch more live matches....not too much EPL...haha
Well...Lee got the support he needed and won the match eventually in straight sets. Very impressive playing style. The crowd enjoyed watching him play. I think the singles coach from China has taken its effect on the national team...people call him Devil Coach...or what..
I would like to say this is the very right attitude / method to show Malaysia Boleh. Not by making the biggest cakes, roti canai, teh tarik or even building the world highest building etc....
Sports is always the good way to promote a country. Let's look at Brazil....people will automatically link it to football...Samba football...they even created a football playing style....
Malaysia can do the same...government should put more efforts / give supports to players before they are famous...that is the time when they really needed the money/support.
Not only after they become world champion, or going on the way to be world champion, baru kerajaan bagi ni lah, bagi tu lah...right?
I have known many potential players who can make a big splash in international stage. They have to quit their sports to concentrate either on study or started working. Sportsman is not earning the enough money to even support their livings. THey have no choice...See how Malaysia lose out to Australia in the recent Commonwealth. Not that Australian is smarter, but their government gives the full power support to their atheletes....let them have no worries and concentrate on training...that's how things supposed to work....
Government...let's do something....who knows one day..Malaysia can started winning goal medals in Olympics....
yes, it's syok to watch badminton in malaysia!
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